Going With Your Gut

Have you ever had an experience that shook you to your core?

I had one of those today, an epiphany that starting this business is what I want to do.  Today I was observed by my principal in my busiest class.  It’s United States history and we’re exploring why Marcus Garvey was so controversial.  After the lesson was over, the principal came up to me, gave me a hug, and said something along the lines of, “we’re so happy to have you, we only hear good things, etc…” Great right?

A normal person would be ecstatic with that kind of review but in my gut I was thinking, “I can’t wait to be out, what am I doing here?” I didn’t realize how unhappy I was until I started to explore what I really want to do.  Which is, foster community, recycle clothes, and promote environmentalism.

Now, I just have to start and like any good graduate student, I’m starting by doing a literature review.  I’m reading “The Four Hour Work Week” to start but am more than open to any suggestions you might have for budding entrepreneurs.